What Is Anti-Climb Paint?

What is anti climb paint?

Anti-climb paint – also known as ‘anti vandal paint’ or 'anti vandal grease' – is a thick, oily, non-drying security coating, designed to be applied to gates, walls, fences, drainpipes and other climbable structures, in order to deter and identify intruders.

Once applied to the structure, anti-climb paint creates a slippery surface which prevents intruders from gaining unauthorised access. As the paint stays wet, it leaves stains on the intruder’s clothing and hands which are very difficult to remove. This makes intruders easy to identify.

anti climb paint on clothing

Where Can Anti-Climb Paint Be Applied?

Anti-vandal paint can be applied to a wide range of substrates and objects, including masonry, wood, brickwork and metal. It can be used to prevent intruders from climbing over walls, fences and gates, or up drain-pipes and on to window ledges. It can be applied to areas greater than 2m above the ground, in order to prevent accidental contact.

anti climb paint on drain pipe

Is It Legal To Use Anti-Climb Paint?

Yes, anti-climb paint is legal. It is produced by top paint manufacturers including Coo-Var and Flag Paints. Though there are some rules and best practices for applying anti-vandal paint:

  • Only use anti climb paint in areas where legitimate or normal access is not permitted.
  • Apply anti-vandal paint at least 2m above the ground, to prevent accidental contact.
  • Warning signs must be displayed in areas where anti-climb paint is used, visible from any angle of approach and repeated every 2 -3 linear metres.
    coo var vandalene anti climb paint sign

Where Can I Buy Anti Vandal Paint?

Professional Paint Supplies in an authorised seller of anti-climb & anti-vandal paint from some of the top manufacturers in the industry. We also supply the warning signage that needs to be displayed in the area where the paint is applied.

Take a look at our range of anti climb & anti vandal paints.

anti climb paint on hands

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We are a leading online supplier industrial paints, coatings and equipment from some of the top brands in the industry, such as Coo-Var, Flag Paints, Prosolve, Rocol, Rustins, Sherwin Williams, Teamac & Thermoguard.